My Family Emergency Services is a 28 years old information, identification, and notification company who provide professional emergency ID cards, ID tags, Brass Whistles and a 24 hours a day notification hot-line that allows us to notify family members and friends, chosen by our members to be contacted if they are ever in an emergency situation. MFES also has other products to enhance your disaster preparedness plan.
My Family Emergency Services was established in 1991 by our President/CEO, Leon C. Seabrooks, Sr, who is a veteran all lines insurance adjuster, as well as a military veteran. Our President has traveled throughout the US Helping insurance companies, help their policyholders by putting their lives back together after major disasters. We have seen families at the worst times of their lives. Families needs professional help preparing for emergencies and disasters. Please review all the services we offer to put together your disaster preparedness plan.