Dear Non-profit organizations leaders,
Due to the increase number of emergencies, disasters, crimes, auto accidents, campus shootings, terror attacks and kidnappings, we have opened a great opportunity for non-profit organizations. We are looking for organization who understand the power of disaster preparedness, and at the same time be willing to use our system to prepare the members in your organization and in your community. In these last days, each organization must be prepared first in order to prepare and help others. Are you or someone you know looking for a very new and unique business opportunities that has no economical and regional limitations? We have the program, all we need of loving and caring people to join us.
My Family Emergency Services is a 28 years old emergency preparedness company based out of Encinitas, CA, Panama City, Florida and Seabrook, Texas. The reason we are reaching out to you is to introduce our very unique and awesome fundraising opportunity. We would like to train your organization how to prepare for disasters and at the same time train you to help prepare people in your area and around the country. Our fundraising model is simple but powerful.
Due to the increase number of disasters, crimes, auto accidents, campus shootings, terror attacks and kidnappings, the demand for our services has increase over the last several years. We also have an opportunity for non-profit organizations and you may be the key to us reaching out nationwide to these organizations.
MFES is owned and operated by veteran all-lines insurance adjusters, who has traveled throughout the country helping families put their lives back together after major disasters, while working for major insurance companies. We have over 62 years of experience helping families.
We believe the best defense is to have a great offense. Our first goal is to equip each family member with our state of the art emergency ID cards, ID tags (Military ID and Pendants), brass whistles and our 24 hours a day emergency notification hotline. We want MFES to be the cornerstone for disaster preparedness and disaster assistance, and once again we need people like you.
When Hurricane Katrina, hit the Gulf Coast in 2005 no one could have imagine thousands would have to be relocated throughout the US. The reason so many families were separated from one another for months was due to them not having an emergency plan in place before the disaster. Our notification hotline will afford us to help families re-unite by having family members call into the system and give their name, member number, location and a telephone number. It’s that simple.
Each day across the US over 2300 children are reported missing. Last year over 850,000 kids were reported missing, 359,000 were due to kidnappings. Over 95% of our children have no emergency ID on them. There were over 6 million vehicle accidents last year, which resulted in over 47,000 deaths. Every 14.3 seconds a house is burglarized in the US. With these statistics anyone can see the family needs help. The number one killer of children and young adults are vehicle accidents. We will show you how to set up a disaster plan within your organization. The Weather Channel says “It could happen tomorrow”. MFES say “It could happen today”.
In conclusion we are looking for leaders who knows how to follow and lead to help take MFES nationwide. All we are asking your organization to do is sponsor the first 2 kids in your organization and we will show you how to get the rest of them sponsored. The cost for kids memberships is only $37.00 each which equals $74.00 investment in your children. To show our gratitude to you and the board members, we are going to give each of you free memberships for a year.
Note: This opportunity has no limits and what a great way to help prepare your organization, your community, especially the children and senior citizens. Each new organization will receive 25% commission on all memberships, and you will receive 10% commission on each new organization or individual who comes in under your organization.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Potential Earnings
Memberships per month:
1. Kids emergency memberships: (1) Three ID cards (2) Two ID tags (3) One Brass whistle (4) 24 hours a day emergency notification hotline – $37.00
2. Seniors Citizens emergency memberships: (1) Two ID cards (2) Two ID tags (3) One Brass whistle (4) 24 hours a day emergency notification hotline $35.00
3. Adults memberships: (1) Two ID cards (2) Two ID tags (3) One Brass whistle (4) 24 hours a day emergency notification hotline – $35.00
4. Pets emergency packages: (1) Two ID cards (2) Two ID tags (3) 24 hours a day emergency notification hotline – $25.00
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Example of individual potential earnings: When you personally sign up 100 kids memberships at $37.00 per month = $3,700.00 X 25% = your profit is $925.00 per month
2. Example of individual potential earnings: When you personally sign up 50 adults or senior citizens memberships at $35.00 per month = $1,750.00 X 25%= $437.50 per month
Total: $925.00 plus $437.50 = $1,362.50 X 12 months = $16,350.00 per year personal earnings potential
2. Example of Sponsorship potential earning: When you help us recruit 20 new organizations or individuals, who duplicate your monthly sale of 100 memberships per month = 2,000 X $37.00 Business volume $74,000.00 per month X 12 months = $888,000.00 @ 10% commission = $88,000.00 potential earnings per year.
Total potential earning for both programs per year is $104,350.00 per year.
If you have any further questions, please contact us at info@mfes.net